Media Statements

Joint Statement - Legislative Council orders release of Labor’s secret housing documents

Joint Statement – Legislative Council orders release of Labor’s secret housing documents

David Davis, Southern Metropolitan Region

James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning

The Legislative Council has ordered the release of key documents relied upon by the Allan Labor Government in announcing housing and population targets.

These documents include all assessments, briefs, and modelling used to shape Labor’s decision to impose housing targets across Melbourne’s municipalities and the declaration of 10 high-density activity centres.

Victorians are entitled to understand how Labor arrived at these decisions, and they are entitled to have a say in the future of their communities and cities.

The Allan Labor Government has been given three weeks to provide the documents under the following motion:

617     David Davis — To move —

That this House —

(1)          notes the announcement by the Allan Labor Government of ten high-rise, high-density designated activity centres, including associated catchment zones, namely —

(a)          Hume City Council (Broadmeadows and Jacana);

(b)          Boroondara City Council (Hawthorn, Hawthorn East, Camberwell, Canterbury, East Camberwell);

(c)           Stonnington, Monash and Glen Eira Councils (Malvern East, Oakleigh, Hughesdale, Murrumbeena, Chadstone);

(d)          Whittlesea City Council (Epping, Mill Park and Lalor);

(e)          Frankston City Council (Frankston and Seaford);

(f)           Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston City Councils (Bentleigh, Brighton East, Hampton East, Moorabbin and Highett);

(g)          Moonee Valley City Council (Niddrie, Essendon and Airport West);

(h)          Moonee Valley City Council (North Essendon, Essendon and Strathmore);

(i)            Darebin City Council (Preston, Northcote, Thornbury and Reservoir);

(j)           Maroondah and Whitehorse City Councils (Ringwood, Ringwood East, Heathmont, Mitcham and Heatherdale);

(2)          further notes the recent declaration by the Allan Labor Government of population growth targets over the next three decades for Victorian municipalities;

(3)          requires the Leader of the Government, pursuant to Standing Order 10.01, to table in the Council, within three weeks of the House agreeing to this resolution, advice, briefs, documents, assessments and modelling relied upon by the Minister for Planning and/or the Premier in making their announcement of —

(a)          the municipal population targets; and

(b)          the ten high-density, high-rise activity centres and their associated catchment zones.

Member for Southern Metropolitan Region, David Davis, said: “Labor’s true colours are on display as they seek to cut communities out of key decisions on their future.

“The release of these documents will expose the secret modelling behind the Allan Labor Government’s decision to force tens-of-thousands more homes into Melbourne’s suburbs.

Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said: “Labor is cutting communities out of having a say over their future and imposing high rise development in suburban streets.

“The Allan Labor Government should no longer be able to hide their secret plans to undermine the amenity and character of local communities and the Premier should release the documents today.”

David Davis, Southern Metropolitan Region

James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning