Media Statements
Joint Statement - Labor partners up to crush community consultation

Joint Statement – Labor partners up to crush community consultation
David Davis, Southern Metropolitan Region
James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning
Following the win to force the Allan Labor Government to release its secret housing documents, Labor has teamed up with the crossbench to crush community consultation.
A motion debated in the Victorian Upper House, calling on the Allan Labor Government to consult with councils and communities on its plans to rezone 10 activity centres across Melbourne’s suburbs, was defeated by Labor, Greens, Legalise Cannabis, Animal Justice and the Libertarian MPs in a vote.
The Allan Labor Government’s plans mean affected residents in the Hume, Boroondara, Stonnington, Monash, Glen Eira, Whittlesea, Frankston, Kingston, Bayside, Moonee Valley, Darebin, Maroondah and Whitehorse municipalities, are not entitled to be consulted about the move to impose high-density developments in their neighbourhoods.
The defeated motion was as follows:
619* David Davis — To move —
That this House —
(1) notes —
(a) the extraordinary population targets unilaterally announced for Victorian municipalities by the Allan Labor Government;
(b) the 10 planned high-rise, high-density zones declared by Labor without consultation, including so-called ‘catchment zones’ over huge swathes of residential and often heritage listed suburbs, proposed to have six storey development approval;
(c) the removal of significant planning powers from municipal councils and local communities and the curtailment of third-party appeal rights; and
(2) calls on the Allan Labor Government to undertake proper consultation with affected councils and communities, to their satisfaction, on its announced plans for 10 high-rise, high-density zones, namely Hume, Boroondara, Stonnington, Monash, Glen Eira, Whittlesea, Frankston, Kingston, Bayside, Moonee Valley, Darebin, Maroondah and Whitehorse.
Member for Southern Metropolitan Region, David Davis, said: “These MPs have no respect at all for local democracy, supporting the stripping away from councils and communities third-party appeal rights against inappropriate proposed developments, and even less respect for the legitimate concerns of affected residents who, in these MP’s nasty “we know better” view of the world, are not even entitled to be consulted about Labor’s plans.
“Residents affected by these 10 identified activity centres, with a further 10 yet to be identified, will have the opportunity at the 2026 State Election to tell these MPs how they feel about having their rights taken away.”
Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said: “Labor and the crossbench should be ashamed that they have jointly voted against supporting the rights of the community to have a say over their own future.
“Victorians know that only the Liberals and Nationals will stand against inappropriate development and in favour of upholding the unique character of our suburbs, towns and cities.”
David Davis, Southern Metropolitan Region
James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning