Media Statements
Statement - Why doesn’t the buck stop with the Treasurer?

Statement from the Shadow Treasurer
James Newbury, Shadow Treasurer
New Treasurer, Jaclyn Symes, has taken the extraordinary step of disassociating herself from her portfolio responsibilities.
As Treasurer, Jaclyn Symes, has legislative authority over our state’s finances. It is a responsibility that is key to the future prosperity of our state and it is a role that is paid for by the taxpayer.
In a bizarre outburst in the Legislative Council yesterday, the new Treasurer claimed: “I am not going to be responsible for every question if you just say that it costs money.”
Ms Symes further said: “I am not going to be across every grant program and every portfolio priority”.
The Shadow Treasurer, James Newbury, said: “No one expects a Treasurer to have immediate recall of every expense. However, no Victorian would expect a Treasurer to abrogate final responsibility for the state’s finances.
“With the state’s finances out of control and international ratings agencies warning of looming credit downgrades, there is little wonder that the Treasurer is trying to hide from responsibility.
“At the end of the day, the buck stops with the Treasurer, whether she likes it or not.”.
James Newbury, Shadow Treasurer