In Parliament

Constituency Question - Bayside Kindergartens



Thursday, 29 June 2024.

Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:43):

My question is to the Premier, and I ask: when will the State Labor government accept that its kindergarten policy is having a detrimental effect on providers based in metropolitan Melbourne?

We know that the first years of life are the most important for learning and development. Sessional kindergarten offers quality preschool education to both three- and four-year-old children.

Bayside’s community kindergartens recently met to talk about the future of services in our community and the need for council to communicate better, improve delivery of infrastructure upgrades and improve long-term strategic planning.

The group also discussed the importance of a sustainable funding model. Adequate funding will ensure that our kindergartens can continue to provide high-quality services.

For Melbourne kinders, the cost of rent and overheads is greater than the government’s funding model, and by blocking providers from seeking support from parents to fill the shortfall Labor is risking the medium-term viability of quality Melbourne kindergarten providers.