Media Statements
Statement - Labor fridges farce cost taxpayers and hurts emissions

Statement – Labor fridges farce cost taxpayers and hurts emissions
24 June 2022.
Instead of acting on our environment, the State Labor Government’s Victorian Energy Upgrades program has been exposed as an expensive farce that is costing the environment and the hip-pocket of every Victorian.
In the name of reducing emissions, businesses are reportedly applying for hundreds of fridges through the program, and receiving a taxpayer funded rebate to boot.
There are reports of some applicants, pushing dozens of fridges on to people who are then being forced to give them away.
One business has reportedly received forty fridges and has no idea what to do with them.
Victorians expect the State Government to put in place responsible programs that act to protect our environment.
No Victorian would expect Labor to put in place a program that imports thousands of fridges, transported across the oceans, at both environmental and financial detriment.
Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change, James Newbury, said these programs should not only act on behalf of our natural environment, but they should be economically responsible too.
“Only a Labor Government could increase emissions, in the name of reducing them.”
“And evidence shows that there isn’t only an environmental cost, but taxpayers are footing this enormous cost too”.
“No wonder Labor’s most experienced Cabinet Ministers are walking away from this Labor Government, it is in chaos”.
James Newbury, Member for Brighton