In Parliament
Motion - Attempt to Introduce Short-Stay Accommodation

Tuesday, 30 May 2023.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (9:51):
Contrary to what the previous Member said, this is actually the people’s Chamber, and the Debate this morning is about whether or not the non-government Members of this place have a right to introduce matters into this Chamber – and they have the right to introduce matters into this Chamber.
On the substance of this Bill we do not agree with the Greens. I will make that clear: we do not agree with the Greens. We oppose what they are proposing today. But we absolutely support their right to use this place – the people’s Chamber – to put that forward. We absolutely support their right to do that. We have said that previously. I am sure we will do it again.
When it comes to Members of the non-government parties seeking to move items in this Chamber, we will support them on that principle alone, not on the substance.
I say to the Government: this is the people’s place, and the words that just came out of the previous Member were entirely arrogant. They go to the heart of the problem with this Government. It is outrageous.
This is the people’s place, and none of us should forget it. We on this side know it. Those on the other side have absolutely forgotten it, and it is disgraceful.