In Parliament

Members Statement - New Street Brighton Development


Thursday, 3 September 2020

Mr NEWBURY (Brighton):

Brighton residents are angry about the New Street redevelopment demolition commencing during the harshest pandemic restrictions.

As local resident Alec has written to me: ‘Beyond purely physical health, the mental hardship this will put us through as this demolition slowly grinds along day after day (projected to go on, in fact, for 6 months or more) is incalculable as we are forced to deal with every aspect of the COVID crisis, in stage four lockdown, with a massive demolition effectively in our back yard’.

Additionally, a group of residents have raised serious concerns that the State Government may not have followed the requirements of the planning scheme, the Road Management Act 2004, nor can the community find a Ministerial approved waste management plan—as is required.

Unsurprisingly the Minister has not responded to representations about these issues.