In Parliament
Members Statement - Budget Attack on Schools
Tuesday, 23 May 2023.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:22):
This budget has unveiled a secret attack on our schools – a secret attack, a hit on 110 schools.
What the Members of this Parliament have not seen is that there is a $400 million rip-out of funding for 110 schools.
That means 110 schools in this State will lose $1 million each year over the next four years. The 110 schools will lose $1 million over the next four years.
We have not seen a hit list like this since Mark Latham developed one in 2004 with Julia Gillard. This is a hit list on 110 schools.
Not only that, the Government promised 54 schools election commitment funding.
They put it out on social media before the election – Gardenvale, $11.7 million; Hampton Primary, $9.8 million. Guess what? The money was not in the Budget.
They have lied.
They have broken their election promises.
Neither of those schools have received funding, and the 54 schools that were committed to have been left out and ripped off by Labor.