Media Statements

Joint Statement - Victorian Liberals to get Vietnamese Museum back on track

Joint Statement – Victorian Liberals to get Vietnamese Museum back on track

John Pesutto, Leader of the Opposition

James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning

Trung Luu, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs

3 November 2023.

Victoria’s Vietnamese community has been let down by the Allan Labor Government as poor planning threatens the future of the Vietnamese Museum Australia.

The proposed Vietnamese Museum Australia has been forced to abandon plans to build on a Footscray site due to a neighbouring property owner’s refusal to relocate a roller door used for loading facilities.

The failure to find a commonsense planning solution has jeopardised the future of the project, which aimed to open in 2025 o commemorate a 50th anniversary of Fall of Saigon and the subsequent arrival of Vietnamese refugees in Australia.

Such an important multicultural facility shouldn’t be held up due to minor planning issues, and a future Liberals and Nationals Government will work with the Vietnamese community to ensure this important Museum is constructed in an appropriate location.

Leader of the Opposition, John Pesutto, Said: “It is deeply disappointing such an important facility for Victoria’s Vietnamese community is being delayed due to the incompetence of the Labor Government.

“A future Liberals and Nationals Government I lead will work with Victoria’s Vietnamese community to ensure this important community facility is constructed in the right location and as soon as possible.”

Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said: “Under a Liberals and Nationals Government, important community facilities wouldn’t be held up by minor planning issues.

“Labor has let down Victoria’s Vietnamese community, and ensuring this facility is built is a priority for the Victorian Liberals.”

Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs, Trung Luu, said: “Vietnamese Victorians deserve to have their history and contribution to the broader community celebrated.

“Whilst this planning issue is a disappointing setback for the future Vietnamese Museum Australia, the Victorian Liberals are fully committed to working with the Vietnamese community to bring this important facility to life.”

Trung Luu, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs

James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning

John Pesutto, Leader of the Opposition