Media Statements
Joint Statement - Preserving the character and liveability of Bayside and Kingston

Joint Statement – Preserving the character and liveability of Bayside and Kingston
Ryan Smith, Shadow Minister for Planning and Heritage
James Newbury, Member for Brighton
Brad Rowswell, Member for Sandringham
26 October 2022.
Residents in the electorates of Brighton and Sandringham will have greater certainty that the unique character of their neighbourhoods will be protected under a Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government.
Over the past eight years, Labor has ignored the concerns of these communities who value the neighbourhood character of their streets.
Worst of all, Labor gutted the intent of the previous Liberals and Nationals’ Neighbourhood Residential Zones, by removing height and density limits, against community wishes.
Victoria’s built heritage is also at risk under Labor, whose policy of 70 percent of new development occurring in established areas has resulted in developers buying up local, older properties as redevelopment sites.
Such prioritisation of development over the preservation of neighbourhood character has been regrettable and entirely preventable. Although more affordable housing is needed, some developments have not achieved that, and are instead ruining local liveability, neighbourhood character and our environment.
That’s why, within our first 100 days, a Liberals and Nationals Government will implement comprehensive planning protections that gets the balance right and gives everyone certainty.
A Liberal Government will re-instate the Neighbourhood Residential Zone protections in Bayside and Kingston to preserve their local character and amenity.
The features of these new Neighbourhood Residential Zones (NRZ) will include:
- A mechanism which respects identified neighbourhood character.
- A requirement for the preservation of existing tree canopy.
- A two-dwelling maximum on a titled site.
- A mandatory height limit of 8 metres (2 storeys) for residential buildings, with the ability for a council to specify a mandatory height limit in a schedule to a zone to take account of existing built form.
Shadow Minister for Planning and Heritage, Ryan Smith, said only the Liberals and Nationals would preserve the character and amenity of Melbourne’s suburbs.
“Under a Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government, we’ll oppose inappropriate development and are committed to protect liveability, heritage, and neighbourhood character.
Liberal Member for Brighton, James Newbury, said we need to put the brakes on inappropriate development, because we have the right to a quiet street.
“Sadly, Hampton has been targeted as a hotspot for densification, developers are eyeing off the once-quiet streets of Brighton, and Elwood is overwhelmed with planning applications aiming to build apartment blocks on every square inch of space. The Liberal Party will protect our suburbs from Labor.”
Liberal Member for Sandringham, Brad Rowswell, said it was essential that neighbourhood character in Bayside and Kingston be protected.
“My community’s neighbourhood character is defined by its magnificent coastline, tree lined streets, parks, nature reserves and low density low-rise homes. Where Victorian Labor are encouraging high-density, high-rise in local streets, I am committed to preserving our neighbourhood character for this generation and the next.”
Brad Rowswell, Member for Sandringham
James Newbury, Member for Brighton
Ryan Smith, Shadow Minister for Planning and Heritage