Media Statements
Joint Statement - Liberals and Nationals to restore democracy to renewable project approvals

Joint Statement – Liberals and Nationals to restore democracy to renewable project approvals
Shadow Minister for Energy, Affordability and Security, David Davis
Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury
01 May 2024.
Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny has given herself full power for approvals for renewable energy projects, stripping local communities of their right to be consulted or to appeal to VCAT on planning approvals for renewable energy projects statewide.
The motion moved today by the Liberals and Nationals will reverse Labor’s undemocratic power grab and seek to restore longstanding community rights, including the right to be consulted before projects are approved.
The revocation motion to be moved in the Upper House today will overturn the special powers of Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny. The motion reads:
That this House —
(1) notes that —
(a) Planning Scheme Amendment VC261 changes the Victoria Planning Provisions and all planning schemes in Victoria with respect to renewable energy facilities and associated utility installation, including removing the right of impacted Victorians to appeal such planning approvals at VCAT;
(b) Planning Scheme Amendment VC261 was gazetted on 4 April 2024 and tabled in this House on 18 April 2024; and
(2) pursuant to section 38(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, revokes Amendment VC261 to the Victoria Planning Provisions.
Shadow Minister for Energy, Affordability and Security, David Davis, said: “Labor is adopting a scorched earth policy, imposing wind and solar farms and long-distance high voltage transmission wires on communities without their approval or social licence.
“Labor is struggling to achieve renewable energy targets, including offshore wind targets, and has now decided it will use jackboot tactics to override local communities.
“The Liberals and Nationals will require the support of most minor party members if the revocation motion is to be passed and democracy is to be restored.”
Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said: “Labor is stripping away the rights of the community from having a say about their local streets and towns.
“Australia has never seen any government fully strip away community rights from planning and the Allan Labor Government is taking Victoria down a very dark path.
“Every Victorian should use their voice now and call out that the community should have a right to a say in our planning system.”
Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury
Shadow Minister for Energy, Affordability and Security, David Davis