Media Statements

Joint Statement - Labor imposes rail loop local planning takeover

Joint Statement – Labor imposes rail loop local planning takeover

David Southwick, Shadow Minister for Transport Infrastructure

James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning

14 December 2023.

Under the cover of Christmas, the State Labor Government has gazetted declaration of the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) planning areas.

The declarations give the Suburban Rail Loop Authority planning authority for decisions on that land, taking away community rights in the declared areas.

Hidden on Page 50 of the Victorian Government Gazette, five maps have been published, without even a reference to the suburbs where they are located.

Given Labor’s $11 billion yet to be explained “value capture” funding shortfall, it is clear they intend to override local planning decisions and build high-rise dwellings along the SRL route and tax residents to fill its funding black hole.

Shadow Minister for Transport Infrastructure, David Southwick, said: “The Suburban Rail Loop will put Victoria into debt for generations when there are other much more worthy projects to fund.

“Using the cover of Christmas, Labor has unveiled their plan which will impact upon a hundred thousand Victorians in yet another tax grab.”

Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said: “We know that Labor has declared these sites so that the State Government can override local community decisions in favour of inappropriate development into the surrounding suburbs.

“Communities should have a say in their future, but Labor’s stealthy grinch-like declarations of the sites will rip away the rights of residents to have a say in the streets or protect the amenity of their homes”.

James Newbury, Shadow Minister for Planning

David Southwick, Shadow Minister for Transport Infrastructure