Media Statements
Joint Statement - Bigger and better upgrades for grassroots sport in Brighton

Joint Statement – Bigger and better upgrades for grassroots sport in Brighton
Cindy McLeish, Shadow Minister for Sport
James Newbury, Member for Brighton
25 October 2022.
A Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will commit $2 million towards the redevelopment of the pavilion and change rooms at Brighton Beach Oval.
Brighton Beach Oval Pavilion is home to three significant sporting clubs including Brighton Cricket Club, Brighton Beach Junior Football Club and Old Brighton Grammarian Football Club and is regularly used by the local community for events.
Brighton Beach Oval Pavilion is in disrepair, and requires immediate upgrades as no upgrades have been made in over 50 years. Local sporting clubs, local families and the entire local community deserves better.
Clubs and teams continue to grow and with the increase in female teams and additional playing numbers, the need for improved facilities and maximisation of space is greater than ever.
Consultations between council, sporting clubs and the local community have been ongoing for over six years with no progress made to upgrade this very old pavilion.
Shadow Minister for Sport, Cindy McLeish, said the Liberals and Nationals are focused on meeting the needs of the community by delivering better local suburban infrastructure.
“Local sporting clubs are a vital part of the community and we are proud to support grassroots sport with this commitment.”
Member for Brighton, James Newbury, said the pavilion upgrade has been delayed for too long and the commitment is an enormous win for the community.
“For teams, friends and family associated with local Clubs as well as the local community, the continual delays to the pavilion upgrades come as particularly hard-felt blow, they feel let down. This is an unacceptable situation and a huge setback to local clubs and community.”
“This funding commitment from a Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will finally enable local clubs and the local community to have it sporting pavilion that meet their growing needs, is suitable for both female and male players and for the 21st century.”
James Newbury, Member for Brighton
Cindy McLeish, Shadow Minister for Sport