In Parliament
Constituency Question - Post-War Modern Heritage Study

Tuesday, 16 August 2022.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:43):
My Constituency Question is for the Minister for Planning, and I ask: can the minister advise whether the government intends to reject a recent heritage overlay application from Bayside City Council?
For background, Bayside Council recently completed a post-war modern residential heritage study.
The study recommended the inclusion of certain properties into the heritage overlay, including 49 in Beaumaris, plus a further group of eight as a group listing; seven in Black Rock; 15 in Brighton; seven in Brighton East; four in Cheltenham; one in Hampton; and six in Sandringham.
Council considered that report in July, removed almost 30 of the properties and resolved to apply to the minister seeking authorisation to commence the planning scheme amendment on the remaining recommended properties.
The single property recommended for inclusion in Hampton is at 27 Bolton Avenue. This recommendation has caused significant confusion and distress to its owners, as the heritage assessors only visited the property from the street.
The recent council decision will have a significant impact, and the homeowners are deeply concerned about the substance of the recommendation.