In Parliament

Constituency Question - Port Phillip Childcare Centres



Thursday, 10 February 2022.

Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:50):

My constituency question is to the Premier, and I ask: is the State Labor
Government considering committing financial support towards the upgrade of
three childcare centres in my region before they are forced to close?

Port Philip Council is being forced to close three childcare centres, including the
Elwood Childcare Centre.

The centres are aged and need significant upgrades which the Council cannot
afford. Labor has been using weasel words and will not commit to financial

For background, the Elwood Childcare Centre is a community-run centre that has
operated since 1985. It offers 35 places per day. Currently there are 16 full-time
staff, 55 families and 65 children enrolled.

The Centre’s closure would have a significant impact on Elwood.

Council has previously confirmed that there is already a shortfall of childcare
places in Elwood.

Elwood knows the State Government does not invest in our area and remembers
their plan to kick Lady Forster Kindergarten out from the Elwood foreshore.

Premier, will you save the kindies? Yes or no?