In Parliament
Constituency Question - Outdoor Permits

Thursday, 25 November 2020.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (13:48):
My constituency question is to the Premier, and I ask: can the Premier advise me how the Government intends to balance the new outdoor dining permit system with any effects it may have on residential amenity or the potential to reduce trade to surrounding businesses?
Victorian hospitality businesses have done tough; our community wants to help them.
Elwood traders have raised their concerns that whilst outdoor hospitality trading is important, it has come at the expense of trade to those businesses.
As an Elwood business owner said:
The impact … reducing the carparking by … 600 visits … per day or 4200 visits by customers per week.
Similarly, residents near to a hospitality business in Brighton have raised concerns about the business’s new car park space, saying:
I am unable to believe that the intent of the State of Emergency and Recovery Exemptions is to support businesses at the cost of destroying the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Supporting small business is essential, but the Government must get the balance right.
I look forward to the Premier’s response.