In Parliament
Constituency Question - Koolkuna Lane, Hampton

Thursday, 15 October 2020
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:45):
My constituency question is to the Minister for Housing, and I ask: as the local community has been ignored, can the Minister provide me with an update on the proposed redevelopment works at the public housing site in Koolkuna Lane in Hampton?
As the Hampton community knows, the 16 public housing cottages have been sitting vacant for years.
It appears the site is now being prepared for demolition, yet typically this Labor government has not shown Hampton residents the courtesy of letting them know what is being proposed.
The community understands that plans have been endorsed, but the required construction management plan is still outstanding, and a relevant building surveyor has not been appointed.
Residents are concerned that appropriate precautions have not been taken to prevent dust from entering the homes of nearby residents, particularly residents in Foam, Hampton, Ocean, Thomas and Willis Streets.
Hampton residents deserve basic courtesy from their Government. Sadly, this Government never affords them with it.