In Parliament
Constituency Question - Hampton Overdevelopment

Friday, 19 February 2021.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (12:52):
My constituency question is to the Minister for Planning, and I ask: can the Minister inform me whether the State Labor Government has developed any specific planning measures to protect Hampton from overdevelopment?
The State Labor Government has targeted Hampton as a hotspot for developers. Labor has put out neon signs and said to developers, ‘Come to Hampton and trash our leafy village’. Developers have heard Labor’s calls and are queueing to overdevelop our quiet streets.
Recently I met with residents to hear about a proposed development in Orlando Street, Hampton. Almost 100 local residents poured into the street to voice their anger. Orlando Street residents that know if this 35-bedroom apartment block is built, it will act as a welcome mat for developers to dig up the whole street.
The Liberal Party has previously proposed to introduce mandatory height limits. Height limits make it clear what can be built and will stop dead any proposed development that is not in line with the character of the community.
Hampton is unique and deserves protection.
I look forward to the Minister’s response.