In Parliament
Constituency Question - Glen Huntly Road Crossing Location

Tuesday, 9 June 2022.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:51):
My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and I ask: when will the Minister commit to moving the proposed signal pedestrian crossing in Elwood to where the safety issue actually exists?
The Elwood community has been calling for a proper crossing on Glen Huntly Road for over a decade. We need a safe place to cross over busy Glen Huntly Road where the two sides of the Elster Creek track intersect, especially as the site services several schools and a childcare centre and is heavily utilised by pedestrians.
VicRoads has acknowledged the urgent need for a crossing, confirming it is ‘a high priority’.
I understand the Department has engaged on installing a new crossing, but it has proposed a location near Mitford Street, 100 metres from where the crossing is actually needed.
At the last election the Liberal Party committed to funding the crossing. Labor instead installed a sign 200 metres down the road.
Rather than getting it wrong twice, can the Minister install the crossing on Glen Huntly Road where it is needed, joining the Elster Canal Path?