In Parliament

Constituency Question - Esplanade Pedestrian Crossing



Thursday, 7 April 2022.

Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:51):

My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and I ask: will the State Labor Government consider installing a pedestrian-operated signal crossing across The Esplanade near Were Street in Brighton?

Green Point in Brighton is as iconic as it is loved. It is an informal place used bythe community and a site of regular organised events. Brighton residents often pour across the arterial road to attend local occasions. Sadly, there is no safety infrastructure or crossing at this dangerous crossover.

As Bayside Council has written to me, currently there are no pedestrian crossing facilities along The Esplanade between Dendy Street and South Road. Council is supportive of a new pedestrian crossing at this location. The Esplanade is an arterial road under the care and management of the Department of Transport.

Or VicRoads, who have written:
DOT has assessed your request and support the installation of pedestrian operated signals in the location …

It is time for Labor to stop ignoring the safety of the community in Brighton and deliver a crossing over this much-used site.