In Parliament
Constituency Question - Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve

Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (12:49):
My constituency question is to the Minister for Water, and I ask: can the minister advise me as to what investment the state government has made towards the redevelopment of the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve?
After the 12-hectare golf course at Elsternwick Park North closed, Bayside Council confirmed that it will convert the site into an environmental wetland of regional significance. The decision was overwhelmingly community led.
The Reserve will be a place for the community, a place for wildlife and a place that will help mitigate the risk of flooding in Elwood.
With 2,352 properties in the Elster Creek catchment identified as being at extreme risk of flooding, building flood mitigation into the site is vital but beyond the financial capacity of the local council.
Despite the overwhelming need this government has yet to commit a single dollar to this important environmental work.
With the site master plan scheduled for completion early in the new year, a lack of state support would put a dagger into the environmental project and in truth mean the government has refused to protect Elwood from flooding.
I look forward to the Minister’s response.