In Parliament

Constituency Question - Brighton Primary School



Thursday, 8 February 2024.

Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:51):

My constituency question is to the Premier.

When will the State Labor Government stop ignoring the genuine investment needs of Brighton Primary School?

In April next year Brighton Primary will celebrate 150 years of educating the young children of Brighton. It is almost as long since the school has received any meaningful capital investment.

The lack of capital investment is a significant concern to my community, with over 750 residents recently signing a petition calling on the Minister for Education to commit much-needed funding to this school.

As year 6 student Aleksandar recently wrote to the Minister for Education:

One of the most pressing issues we face is the state of our classrooms, particularly the 50-year-old relocatables that currently house two-thirds of our students.

For the Premier’s background, Brighton Primary is home to one of the few specialist hearing units in Melbourne. Those children with hearing difficulties are taught in the demountables. The demountables are located right next to a train line.

These children deserve better. The State Government owes these children much, much better.