In Parliament
Constituency Question - Beach Rd and Orlando St, Hampton
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (11:49):
Speaker, my constituency question is to the Minister for Roads, and I ask: can the minister inform me as to when government intends to fix the Beach Road bottleneck near Small Street in Hampton, which is causing unnecessary delays and havoc in surrounding residential streets?
The short strip on the city side of Beach Road in the lead-up to Small Street allows for parking during peak hours. These arrangements mean that every afternoon traffic must converge into two lanes.
Unfortunately these arrangements have a two-fold effect: firstly, Beach Road becomes a bottleneck every single weekday; and secondly, to avoid traffic some drivers divert into adjacent streets.
With the adjacent Orlando Street being a particularly narrow, tight street, many home owners have had their cars dinted or hit as the street has become a thoroughfare. Local parents have told me that they worry about their children’s safety.
A number of home owners have contacted me, distressed, with one saying, quote:
… our amenity is diminished by the speeding cars, aggressive and distracted drivers, noise, pollution and safety concerns. Action needs to be taken urgently…