In Parliament
Constituency Question - Aged Care Restrictions

Thursday, 7 October 2021.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton):
My constituency question is directed to the Premier, and I ask it on behalf of aged-care residents and providers in my community. On what date will the State Government allow them the quality of life they deserve?
For many in aged-care homes, it is the last step in their life. As a community, we want to make sure that residents are safe but also provide them with the best quality of life they can have. Our loved ones deserve no less.
That’s why the Liberal Party has called on the State Labor Government to allow practical relaxation of restrictions for residents at aged-care homes. Where a resident and direct family member—children or grandchildren—are all fully vaccinated and are in agreeance, they should be allowed to sit outside together, fully masked and socially distanced. This is common sense and compassionate.
As Linda Potter, the General Manager of Princeton View in Brighton East, recently said to me: ‘I am all too aware of the need for caution and all care to be taken, however I cannot sit back and see people dying and not being able to enjoy their families as they would like to’.
Linda’s plea is heartfelt, and her words speak for residents and families across the State.
The Government needs to hear Linda’s sincere plea and give aged-care residents the enhanced but safe quality of life they deserve.