In Parliament
Constituency Question - Aged Care Exemptions

Thursday, 4 March 2021.
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton) (11:40):
My constituency question is to the Minister for Planning, and I ask: can the Minister inform me whether the government has reviewed whether residential aged-care facilities are misusing the wider scope they have afforded to them under the Victorian planning laws?
Residential aged-care facilities have broader latitude in terms of how they can build or redevelop under planning law. This additional scope has been afforded where those facilities are ‘essential services, not a lifestyle choice’.
Japara Elanora aged-care home has been nestled into Brighton Beach for decades. They offer a wide variety of private and shared homes for around 140 residents. Local residents are supportive of the home modernising but were alarmed to read a final advertised plan by Elanora to build 245 apartments, including three bedroom luxury apartments with beach views.
As Amanda has written on behalf of 80 local residents, if the proposal has ‘chosen retirement lifestyles’, they should not be included in the allowances.
I look forward to the Minister’s response.