In Parliament
Adjournment - Brighton Secondary College

Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Mr NEWBURY (Brighton):
My Adjournment is to the Minister for Education and the action I seek is for the State Labor Government to commit to funding a purpose-built performing arts and culture centre at Brighton Secondary College, in Brighton East.
Brighton Secondary has served the Bayside community for almost 70 years. The school was established in 1955 and currently educates 1200 students. Not only does the school serve local students, but it also has a renowned international student program. Brighton Secondary is both inclusive and it is comprehensive.
Currently, there are no modern performing arts spaces for community use in the area. As the school has identified, existing facilities and buildings are old, dating back to the early- and mid-20th century. Existing offerings are well out of date with current community needs or expectations.
The school has a vision to solve this problem. Their vision is to build a modern, purpose-built performing arts and culture centre. The centre will be a hub of learning, culture and celebration for both students at the school and for the broader community.
The proposed purpose-built performing arts and cultural centre will include the following: 1400 tiered theatre seats, a stage, curtains, lighting, with theatre-style acoustics and audiovisual facilities; music tutorial rooms with equipment and storage facilities to support; and an accompanying infrastructure foyer area and kitchen facilities.
For the broader community, a performing arts and culture centre will enrich Bayside culture. The school believes a centre will open opportunities for group theatre, dance performances, cinema, guest speakers and lectures, primary school graduations, local school productions, seniors’ events, awards ceremonies, seasonal events and presentations. We in Bayside can see how much these events would enhance our rich cultural tapestry.
Minister, Brighton Secondary has always had to fight for support from the Labor Party. After years of community advocacy, and a Liberal commitment to upgrade the school a decade ago, Labor matched our commitment to fund the Julie Podbury David Marshall Building—a building that was finally completed and opened in August 2019.
The upgrade is a testament to the former principal Julie Podbury, former school president David Marshall, and two key advocates, the former Member for Brighton Louise Asher and now passed Brighton community champion Willis Parton.
Minster, it’s time for Labor to set aside the politics and do the right thing for the Bayside community. Brighton Secondary College’s proposed performing arts and cultural centre will not only benefit the students who attend the school but be an important cultural community space.
I call on the Minister to step up and invest in the vision of Brighton Secondary College, a vision which will greatly benefit the broader Bayside community.